기사 메일전송
  • 편집국 편집국
  • 등록 2023-02-02 20:32:42
  • 수정 2023-02-02 20:37:55








UNPeacekor aims to promote peace, prosperity, and unification on the Korean Peninsula and contribute to world peace and humanity through private-level human exchanges, material exchanges, and joint projects between south and north Korea.


○ 2019

16 Oct. Permission of incorporation of the ministry of unification

05Nov. Issuance of serial number

○ 2020

31 Mar. Ministry of strategy and Finance - Selection of designated donation organizations

30 Jun. UNPP (UNICEF, WFP,UNHCR, UNFPA) N.G.O partner registraion. 

02 DEC. The ministry of unification-Designation of North korea support business operator 


■ Foundation major projects

1. Economic ehxchange & cooperation project

2. Social and cultural exchange.

3. Humanist economic assistance project for north korea & Support for   development cooperation.

4. National agreement and unity of public opnion for the peaceful unification.

5. Education and promotion project for the succession of the sprit of peaceful unification.

6. Project for the protection of ecosystem and environment on the korean peninsula(D.M.Z)

7. Research, Aademic conference, Data collection, compilation and publication.

8. Global korean network project.

9. Service business for international district, nation, a local government, a government office and a research institution.

10. Non governmental of cooperation, joint business and consultation support.



An honorary president  : Gi moon Ban (The former U.N chief)

Foundation director    : Dukryong Kim

Chairman              : Young soo Jeong

Special advisor         : Byeong tae Jo 

Vice chairman :        : Jongbeom Park

                         Kichul Park

                         Sang gu Ko

               Jeombae Kim

                         Byeong gu Hwang

                         Sook jin Lee

                         Kyeong seo Ha

                         Yongtae Lee

                         Youngsik Jang

                         Myeong hong Kim

                         Kwang chul Um

Vice foundation        : Tae sun Kang

 director :               Sun ok Kim

                          Sung soo Kim

                         Jong wook Kim 

                         Ki hyun Bang


U.N Peacekor medical volunteer group  Leader : Chul soo Kim

U.N Peacekor a legal service            Leader : Chan hee Lee



□ Inaugural meeting(9.2, Korea press center)


□ The world congress of korean presidents and World korean day(Hotel walkerhill.  10.2)


□ 7th World youth leader’s conference(10.5-13)


□ 44th World congress of korean business leaders and

□ 7th G.T.I An international trade and investment fair (10.16-20)


□ Issue of A certificate of incorporation(10.16)


□ 2019 World korean business convention (Yeosu Jeonnam 10.22-24)


□ Issue of business license(11.4)


□ Inaugural meeting(11.5 korea press center)


□ A youth conference(12.23 Yongsan I park mall) 

□ Topic :The direction of peace and prosperity on   the korean peninsula and the role of the future youth generation.

□ 2019 Year-end conference(12.23 Yongsan I park mall)

o Topic : Direction and task of peace and prosperity on the korean peninsula.





□ New year’s forum  : Analysis and countermeasures of North korea’s ‘new path’

o Date : 2020. 1. 8(wed) 15:00~17:00

o Location : Korea press center 20 floor press club

o Attendance: 120 people

o Opening speech : Deok ryong Kim foundation director of U.N peacekor.

o Presentation: Jongcheol Park(Chief researcher of K.I.N.U)

․          Youngyoon Kim(Chairman of South-North logistics forum)

․          Heeok Lee(Professor of Sungkyungwan Univ.)

o Chairperson: Yuhwan Ko(Professor of Dongkuk Univ.)

□ Ministry of Unification designated donation organization(3.30)


□ Transportation cooperation between Korea-Japan and India(Help Leukemia Korean child,s return home)



□ Official designation of UN N.G.O partners(6.30)




□ Blueberry Inter-korean economic cooperation project on the korean peninsula(7.11)

o 주제: Inter-korean economic cooperation korean peninsula bluberry    declaration ceremony.

o Hwacheon farm of bluberry 


□ Geumgang mountain bluberry inter-korean economic cooperation project Gangwon provincial government meeting(8.18)

o Location : Gangwon provincial government meeting room 


□ Inter-korean industrial fair (9.1)


□ Inauguration ceremony of the San francisco branch(9.12)

□ 1th Global video forum (9.16)


o Ultimate topic :  “post corona era and inter-korean relations”


o The first topic : 

o    The status and prospects of North korea’s three concerns(sanction-covid-19-flood) Presentation:

o    Yonghwan Choi(Chief of The national institute security strategy)

Discussion-Yoosuk Jeong(an export-import bank researcher)

o Second topic : Where to find the clues of Inter-korean relations Presentation

o    Jongcheol Park(Korea institute for national unification cheif)

Discussion-Daejuin Jeong(Unification research institute of Aju Univ.)


□ 2th Global video forum(9.25)

o Topic: The murder of a public official and related to the notice of south   korea emegency meeting


□ Korean harvest festival global video meeting(10.4)


□ Big data forum(10.11)

o Topic : Futureprospects for bigdata(Jongpil Woo professor of Sejong Univ.)

o Location : Hotel arenuvo banquet hall


□ The inauguration ceremony of Gwangjucity branch (10.28)

o Location : Gwangju cityhall mudeung hall


□ Participation in sponsorship of the 8th World youth leader’s conference (11.7-15)


□ Participation in the 45th world korean business leader’s conference.(11.18)


□ Walking contest for peaceful reunification(11.21)

o Paju peace nuri park-paju city visit


□ U.N peacekor medical volunteer starting ceremony(11.24) 

o 63 building 


□ UNpeacekor video-Offline forum:Blockchain and Future society(11.25)

o Presentation : Hyungjung Kim (professor of koryeo Univ.)


□ The world congress of korean presidents(12.1)


□ Youth conference(12.8)

□ General assembly and overseas    korean 

□ New year conference(12.18) 

□  chairman seonggon Kim special lecture

o Post-Corona era and the role of overseas korean





□ UNpeacekor 2021 new year video forum(1.12)

o Analysis and Prospects- Biden government launches and 8th party convention of North korea.


□ Overseas korean conference- Aspecial invitation: Former UN president. Gimoon Ban(4.14)

□ Donate quarantine supplies to 3rd fleet of Navy.


□ Sponsored by the light and shadow exhibition 

□ Congratulatory message : Farmer un president,The chairman of congress,The minister of culture and sports,The Japanese ambassador to korea.


□ Global video forum(6.26)

o 주제 :Korea-U.S Conference and North korea’s choice

o Presentation: Youngyoon Kim Chief ofSouth- North logitics forum

□ Invited concert of the corus philharmonic orchestra(8.25) Pyeongteak hall 


□ Expo of international electric vehicle(9.7-10) Policy forum of korean electric vehicle.

o Jeju international convention center.


□ Military food donations (9.2-9.23)

o Airforce-Army-Navy 

□ Global video forum(9.30)

o Topic : North korea law and Unification

o Presentation : President of korean bar asssociation Chanhee Lee 


□ Gongju baekje cultural festival - a b-boy competition (10.2)

o Island of Mir


□ Seminar and M.O.U conclusion of Korea E.S.G academy(12.9)

o Seoul lawyer’s hall

o Lecture : Youngho Kim(farmer minister of industry)

o Presentation: Myeongrae Jo(farmer minister of environment)/ Youngseop Joo 



□ San francisco – UNpeacekor special lecture(12.10)

o Topic: Wisdom for the age of Uncertainty.

o Presentation : Kiwook Shin(prefessor of SaWSEUtanford Univ.) 


□ UNpeacekor activity report and Year-end conference(12.22)

o Topic : Presidential vote and Overseas voter turnout

    Congratulatory message: Gimoon Ban(Farmer UNpresident)

                             Bugyeom Kim(Prime minister)











□ 북한신년사 분석 및 신년하례회(1.4)

     - 박종철(대전대학교 교수)



□ Hiking Taebaek Mt, For peace and prosperity (1.2)

□ DMZ Road of peace walking (3월 12일)

    Course : Aegibong peak – Jeollury port(Flatland 17km)


□ DMZ Road of peace 2th walking (4.9)

□ Haengjusanseong fortress – Ilsan lake park



□ UNpeacekor 2022 General assembly (4.19)

□ Korea press center


□ DMZ Road of peace 3th walking (5.14)

□ Ilsan sports complex – Odusan observatory


□ UNpeacekor opening ceremony of office relocation (5.17)

□ Gyodae station gate 14 seoryong building 601


□ Tracking Cheongwadae observatory(6.9)  



□ DMZ Road of peace 4th walking(6.11)

□ Pyeonghwanuri road 7th course


□ UNpeacekor Experience of nature(7.9)

□ (Harvest potato,tomato,corn...)


□ UNpeacekor Invitation to a celevrity(9.27)

□ Youngsoo Jeong (Global advisor of C.J group)


□ 2022 The world congress of korean presidents and World korean day (10.5)


□ DMZ Cheolwon Peace flower festival and Durumi peace observatory (10.8)


□ Darpaper exhibition for peace and prosperity (11.3-5)

     - Korean communication in Washington D.C

□ K dance festival for 140TH anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea-U.S(11.5)

     - Hupster theater in Sanfrancisco


□ UN S.DG.S Wolrd korean leading C.E.O Golf competition (10.17)

□ C.J Nine bridge c.c in Jeju


□ The world korean businessconvention (11.1-4)

     - Ulsan convention center


□ International art exchange exhibition for 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea-Turkey (11.3-11.9) 

     - Turkey college of arts in Istanbul


□ An invitation to a celebrity(11.9)

     - Sanggoo Ko(President of K&K Global. Vietnam)


□ DMZ Road of peace (11.12)

     - Hantan river


□ Launching ceremony for transportation support for examinee (11.16)

     - Government complex


□ Ministry of unification  DMZ Visit to Green zone (11.20)


□ Peaceful unification & Historical tour (11.26)

□ - DMZ Ganghwado


□ UNpeacekor Global youth volunteer group  ESG forum(12.2-12.23)


□ DMZ Road of peace (12.10)

     - DMZ Goseong Peace observatory


□ Policy debate : Exhibition of Overseas korean’s office and Overseas mail voting (12.12)

     - The national assembly hall


□ Awards of national reconciliation (12.13)

     - Lunamiele convention 


□ An invitation to a celebrity (12.21)

     - Jimee Lee The minister of special industries in Maryland U.S




□ DMZ Peace big park walking (1.28)




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